

Please download, print & sign our contract.

Please read:

Mountain Lake Bostons
Rt 1 Box 1819
Piedmont, MO 63957

Puppies are guaranteed until 1 year of age.

Puppies are sold as Pet Quality

Mountain Lake Boston’s guarantees this puppy to be free of genetic defects until the puppy reaches one year of age provided that the puppy has had routine preventive care by a licensed Veterinarian, such as, but not limited to annual physical exams and by following Veterinarian guidelines for vaccinations and de-worming.

Any Veterinarian expenses incurred by the buyer for any reason will not be our responsibility. If within the first year a qualified veterinarian detects a genetic disorder, we must be notified immediately (within 24 hrs). The vet report must be sent to us and we will have a licensed veterinarian interpret the report. The defect must effect the quality of life. If our vet concurs, you will have the option of a replacement puppy, as soon as one is available, upon safe delivery of the puppy and registration papers back to us. If you have already bonded with and decide to keep this puppy, you have the option of receiving one-half of the agreed upon original purchase price, minus shipping charges.

There are certain disorders that may be caused by environmental factors, i.e. allergies, thyroid dysfunction, demodectic mange and other autoimmune disorders that are not covered by this guarantee. Conditions such as cherry eye, undesended testicles, luxating patella’s, elongated Palate, hernias or stenotic nares are not covered. Coccidia or Giardia are not covered as puppies are prone to outbreak under stressful circumstances. All precautions have been made to prevent this before you puppy leaves our care. If puppy is used for breeding before 1 year of age, this will void the guarantee. If a defect is found that does not effect the quality of life it is not covered by this guarantee.

Please take your new puppy to your vet within 3 days of receiving your puppy. Please notify us of any problems immediately. Failure to do so will cause this guaranteed to become null and void. All sales are considered initiated, transacted and finalized in Wayne County Missouri.

Mountain Lake Boston’s Thanks you for purchasing your new family member from us. We wish you many years of health and happiness together.

I agree to the terms of this Contract.

New Owner__________________________________________ Date ____________